In order to cope with or express confluences, every individual, every community, forms its own échos-monde, imagine from power or vainglory, from suffering or impatience. Each individual makes this sort of music and each community as well. As does the totality composed of individuals and communities.


— Édouard Glissant 愛德華 ・ 格里桑


移民或迁居内里包裹着最直观的地理环境,地缘政治的改变,一切的内里和外在的不适应。 文化的巨大差异,从差异,拆分,认同,到再融合的流。 我们的身体与精神都重新构建和适应。而每一次留下的痕迹将会带领我们去到一个新的语境。

Traceability and migration mean an identity of “the others”. To adapt to two or more different social, cultural, geographical and climatic environments, we are like plankton engulfed by waves, come to shore, forced to live like migrating grafted plants.

Immigration or relocation is wrapped in the most intuitive geographical environment, geopolitical changes and all internal/ external incompatibility. The huge differences in culture, the flow from differences- splits- identifications- to reintegration. Both our body and spirit  are restructured and adapted. Each trace left will lead us to a new context.


一张德国本地花粉分布月份图。花粉症是来很多侨民迁居以后会逐年加重的症状。A monthly table of German local pollen dispersed. Hay fever is a symptom that many immigrants will gradually aggravate after they go overseas.



Both indirect and direct contact mean the variability and openness of the relationship. Through the development of technology, the way of communication has already changed. Use the Internet, smartphones, social media, send text messages, use WeChat, overseas calls, learn languages, try to find communities of the same ethnic group or local people through social media, always follow Chinese news and hope to keep up with the popularity in China.

No matter how the physical distance changes, the tendency to find and build a common language community will not change.

互联网Internet,社交媒体social media,科技technology,社会体系social system,语言language,金钱money,同族裔same ethnicity,本地人local people,  等etc.

一张欠费的中国电话卡。An arrears Chinese mobile phone card. 


但尽管有参与式文化作为口号,低廉的数字劳动力、监视和控制“其他人”(移民、难民、外国人)的系统、带有种族偏见的生物识别技术、为资本主义利益服务而收集的数据库等问题都导致了新的数字殖民主义,数字革命并没有以信息民主化和技术进步的名义消除权力关系;相反,它以不平等的方式影响了更多被剥夺权利的脆弱的社区。(见Madianou 2019)


Internet allows us to think in fluid time and space, including the perception of the relationship between all “objects” and Online. As larger and more diverse groups of human beings roaming on the planet far away from their traditional homeland, many of them is turning to online connections. These forms of communication through the body and data, cross-border and networks, online and offline, users and platforms, through the practice of symbolic and emotional. Constantly changing, breakthrough and rebuild relationships. An independent Internet diaspora may be able to realize emotional belonging  through the virtual/reality community even if the physical distance (remote) is variable.

But despite the mantra of participatory culture, neocolonial patterns are present in the way digital communications are structured online by exploiting cheap digital labour and the surveillance system to monitor and control “others” (immigrants, refugees, foreigners), biometric with racial prejudice, databases collected for the benefit of capitalism, all of these have leads to a digital neocolonialism. The digital revolution does not eliminate power relations in the name of the democratization of information and access to technological advancement; rather, it impacts in unequal ways, on more disenfranchized and vulnerable communities. (see Madianou 2019)

How to build a cross-contextual virtual relationship community that allows us to break away from the narrow form of “monoculture”? And let us not discard our original cultural characteristics. Echo chamber accelerates the polarization of ideological cognition and the isolation of language will only make the overlap of cultures never come true.

溯源traceability,散居diaspora,分离separation,方言dialect,流动性mobility,互联interconnection,同化assimilation,隔离isolation, 等etc.

在微软Bing地图推荐下的一家距离我18.464,45公里距离的咖啡店的食物图片和菜单。Food photos and menus of a coffee shop that is 18.464,45 kilometers away from me recommended by Microsoft Bing Maps.

关系诗学理论家 Edouard Glissant曾从加勒比地区的克里奥尔化的新变体中汲取灵感,提出可延展的、连贯的、散播性的开放诗学。一种群岛方案理论,让我们不仅所有人都可以保持互联,同时又不失去起源感的保留自身的独特文化。构建一个不固定起源和根源的地点,作为构思多种共存历史和地理的一种方式。一个有着吸引力的社区是开放的,可变的,可融合的。

互联网2.0 因为其分散性和阻隔性,使每一个个体都成为看似与其他人有着互动,但实际上却是十分无力和孤独的“点状体”,任何人都可以发表自己的观点,又同时被其他人的观点所淹没,人们的注意力仍旧集中在热闹的,刺激的,虚无的,甚至是荒谬绝伦的事件中。而移民的驱逐,冗长的申诉,政治难民,无法被批准的工作许可,家庭团聚的法律纠纷等等议题是意志涣散的网民最不关心的议题。这并没有什么错,这是互联网发展至今因其对于消息传送的速度和效率最大化的追求,资讯和信息的爆炸陷入到庞大体系中而构成的无法被消解的信息熵的必然。




 Reference 参考

[Poétique de la relation. English] Poetics of relation / Édouard Glissant: transIated by Betsy Wing, 2010, PP.93-94

《關係詩學》(節選)* ,愛德華 ・ 格里桑, 林書媺 譯, 201912, PP.390